Monday, August 31, 2009

FINA Rulings

Well the latest news that we have heard is that all suits which contain rubber will be banned from USSA swimming as of January 2010. The ruling includes all Speedo LZR's as well as any suit that extends past the knee or has a zipper in the back. Men are allowed to wear a brief or a jammer. Women are allowed to wear a record breaker back 1 piece either to the knee or with no leg. As of right now we are not sure if this ruling will in fact stand, but it seems pretty certain. What will this do to the sport of swimming. Some parents and athletes have voiced their frustrations as well as concerns, while others seem happy about the new rulings. As a retail store we just want what is best for the consumer. Many stores are out to earn the highest dollar, but as many of you may already know MI Sports is more concerned about being open, honest and helpful to our customers. While we are unable to return any of these "banned" suits we genuinely hope to see this matter get resolved and to move forward. If you have an opinion please feel free to reply, we would love to hear from you!!

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